Thursday, March 15, 2012

like father like son

Look at this sequence - my friend had a GF, then couple months later I meet him and at one point I hear, "there are no cute girls here"

Without even confirming with him, I can sequentially assume he broke up with his GF as follows:

Comment made from a thought - I hope there are cute girls here. 
Thought made from a desire - I want a GF
Desire made from a need - I need a GF
Need made from a defecit - I lack a GF
Lack made from an event - I brokeup with my GF

through this sequence it can be assumed that he broke up without ever asking him directly, and the assumption's validity is solid.

but what is valid is the assumption only in itself.   If there is any tarnish on this validity, it is by the words used to describe it.

say he hasn't broken up, then the assumption worded as he broke up is not valid.  maybe he just isn’t happy.  maybe he is in a fight and is thinking of breaking up.  that doesnt change the validity of an assumption, just that of the words of said assumption.  Polish up the words and the pure truth of the assumption will shine through.

But there is a paradoxical rat lurking here.  We can try with words to sniff it out of the many holes it has burrowed inside our brains, But that wouldn't help at all not to mention just leave more holes in our head!  Because words ARE the rat!!!!  And the paradox is assumption is a WORD!!!!  Words have no intrinsic abilities.  They are too primitive.   Words are empty vessels incapable of navigating even the calmest of seas unless their creator is at the helm.  

Which leads us to the HAHAHAssumption that if we enlisted the help of the creator of words we would be able to navigate the intricate web of tunnels left by it's creations.  Who could have possibly created words, and WHY IN TARNATION would it do such an inefficient thing?  (anyone who doesn't agree with me about the confusing state of words as communicative devices, you clearly don't communicate enough.  ask any teacher, whose success as such relies entirely on communication effectiveness, and they will tell you the better a communicator, the less words he uses.)  (I must also apologize.  ‘created’ in the last sentence is misleading because new words are being added to our vocabulary on a continual basis meaning that the creator of them is still active!  Which in turn pops my top even further!!  Why are you adding fuel to the fire?!?!?!?)

I will give you a couple of minutes to try and answer the questions I put forth above .................. 1 ................. 2 ............. couple.             

If any of you had the audacity to think that us homo-sapiens created words......*giggle*.  To say Humans created words would also mean by deduction that we created our brain where they are analyzed, and our mouths where they are expressed,and our ears where they enter for analyzing, and our hearts where they are given meannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnning...........I might have just answered my own question ............hmmmmm................ what else is attributed to the heart?   If you had the audacity to say are completely justified.

I am fully aware that the creation of a language in all its intricate complexity would require the cooperation of an equally complex intricacy of organisms. to say one sole organism created language is as absurd as saying one sole gene makes an eye.  BUT language has to be here for a reason.  A driving force upon which natural selection placed all its evolving chips, must be pushing language along.  An emotion maybe?  An emotion to be able to express emotion.  our brains became so complex that we were the first organisms able to paint a picture of the world around us with US in it.  With this new subjectivity came emotions, a part of ourselves.  And there was a need to communicate this.  So words were developed to fulfill that need, but like babies with a little puppy, we are picking them up by the neck, squeezing them too hard, and smashing their face without any idea of what we are really doing.  

sayings like "how do I express this feeling?" "do you feel me?" "If only I could show you how I feel", are all blabberings equivalent to a baby trying to communicate "I'm hungry" to its mom.  We simply haven't spent enough time with words to be any good at them.  But we have had our emotions for a longer time.  A lot longer.  That is why we have hunches, love at first sights, inklings.  Our emotions know us very well, they have been with us long before we knew what they were.  They can easily make sense out life because they have seen it all before, a million times before.  Their wisdom reaches far beyond the lives we have spent in our current state.  I suppose emotions were walking hand in hand with our ancestors of many generations back.  Our recent realization of them doesn't mean they were there.  No one would admit a cat could reason the whys behind its emotions, but then no one would say a cat doesn't have any.  At some point a path opened up that made it environmentally advantageous to explore the depths of emotions beyond that of simply satisfying them and it just so happened that we homo-sapiens were on it.

so to return to the beginning, How can my assumption be valid while the words used to describe it are the lack thereof?  

The assumption I made is made up of a series of assumptions.  And an assumption, though just a word, is a word used when someone has experience with said topic and therefore has the liberty to take all the knowledge and emotions entailed with that experience for granted.  So for my example above, I might have heard someone say something similar as my friend and it happened that he had actually admitted to breaking up with his girlfriend, so I transfer that experience to the present and use it to form an assumption of what might be happening with my friend.  That is the same way our emotions have been conducting their relationship with us.  In the past before we knew about emotions we were still living a life regardless to how primitive, and we were reacting to it in a certain way.  Our emotions, aware of this, used these reactions to conduct how we acted in the future when we again confronted similar experiences.  We are just transferring this practice over to our treatment of words!!!!!

-questions to consider-

what motivated us to WANT to express our emotions once we became aware of them?   What was in it for us to express ourselves on that level?  (remember at this point in time, we had never "felt" before in the sense that we do now, so we didn't have a conscious past to draw from)

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